10/24/2022 -
Edentech has made the decision to terminate the service agreement with Western Reporting effective on October 31st, close of business. Western Reporting is the company that provided the back office services for the SecureBackgrounds service. (Secure-Backgrounds.com) This change does not affect any of Edentech's other services, and existing SecureBackgrounds clients can continue to access their account and service at Western Reporting's web portal.
8/29/2022 - Our clients requested an improved fuzzy search capability with far less false positives. We listened and it is active now. With this new fuzzy search capability, we now recommend using this new Fuzzy Search all the time.
02/05/2022 - This new release adds the most comprehensive, thorough, yet easiest, exclusion screening platform. It is Active Watch Exclusion Search, or "AWES"-ome! by SecureEPLS.
11/09/2021 - Edentech adds new features for all subscribers including more Grouping and Exporting options, additional price flexibility, and access to the Oregon Sanctioned Providers Database.
09/03/2021 - Edentech adds a new Partnership Program to add partners who want to grow their own SaaS business while growing the distribution of Edentech's new products. Low Investment, Huge Upside!
08/04/2021 - Edentech adds new features for all users to include Multiple Database Selection, More options for Scheduled Reports, and improved online Communications. All added to the base product for all users at no addtional cost.
02/18/2021 - With Edentech's release of it's Incident Reporting and Management Solution, the entire CareSecureSuite of SaaS Solutions is now complete. This latest release features a product with a built-in workflow that is customizable to the end users environment, thus ensuring that the approval and distribution cycles follow a Client's established workflow.
01/11/2021 - Edentech announces the release of it's CareCoordinator for Home Care. This is an all new version of its legacy CareCoordinator product that has serviced Post Acute and Acute Care Providers for the last 9 years. This version is also a Web Hosted (SaaS) product and includes Caregiver Scheduling, Client Account Management with built in Care Plan, Client Visit Notes and time logging.
11/19/2020 - Edentech is proud to announce the release of SecureBackgrounds, it's newest component in the CareSafe&Secure Suite. SecureBackgrounds is a complimentary product to the highly successful SecureEPLS, it's Exclusion Screening SaaS product.
09/14/2020 - CareCoordinator Upgrade for Acute Care and Post Acute will be out this month. Faster code, and simpler user interface. Home Care version to follow in December.
07/06/2020 - SecureIR, our all new Incident Reporting and Management system is due out by the end of year. Currently in Beta. SecureIR, "Secure-I-R" will be another component in our Care, Safe & Secure Suite offered by subscription on SaaS platform
06/15/2020 - Edentech is proud to announce the release of SecureRecalls.com, it's newest component in the Care, Safe & Secure Suite. SecureRecalls is a subscription service that provides clients with monitoring, searching, and alerting within minutes of a food, drug, device, consumer product, or vehicle recall. Inventory Matching and Remediation will be included as an update in September.
03/16/2020 - Multi-user capability added to the SecureEPLS system, enhancing user account security and broadening the appeal of the service to companies needing multiple users to access and work with company files.